Monday, May 3, 2010

Fabric Shopping!

This morning at exactly 9am I waltzed into my local Spotlight store looking for fabric. Im not generally a 9am shopper, but due to that being just after I drop my darling daughter at school, it was easier to go then than to make more than one trip, also... Spotlight is next to my local supermarket and I desperately needed milk, bread and most importantly... cat food (or my cat might just trip me up when I'm walking out of the door.)

Anyway, I should make 9am my regular spotlight calling time as there was no one about and I had so much space to just dawdle through the aisles. I was, however on a budget and had specific things I had to buy so not much browsing for me this morning! 

I did walk away with a couple of meters of cotton print and flannel for bibs and wipes.

I realised at the counter that yes, they are all similar colours, but I don't have much stuff in these colours so I thought... ahh no big deal!

I also picked up some toweling for bib backing which I didnt really think you all needed to view. But the prints on these fabrics are just so cute!! I love the dinosaurs and the catterpillars. The apples I think would go well with some other fabrics I have seen around which I am very much coveting

The other thing I bought was some heat and bond ultra iron adhesive for some appliqué which I am working on for nappies. I bought it because I'm not a massive fan of viesofix. It isn't really my friend, and I hate it how the sticky side peels off when you don't use it quick enough, I want to be able to pick up my stuff after its been sitting there a fortnight and it still works. I also have some spray on adhesive which I have used a few times, but the fumes are a killer!

Anyway... has anyone else ever used the heat and bond? or is there something better that I can get my hands on??


Unknown said...

I haven't used heat'n'bond, but Steam a Seam 2 is pretty good.

CurlyPops said...

I buy Applifix from Craft Cubby - works the same way as vliesofix but heaps better!


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