Saturday, October 8, 2011

The end and the beginning...

 It has been very very quiet for quite some time now around here as it has been far too difficult for me to keep up with website, social media, sewing, blogging, working, mothering and life so I have let it go unmanned and unposted on for quite sometime. 

For me this has been hard, because I love to blog, I love to look back at what I have done and have a bit of a record of my sewing progress, and back at the things that I was doing say, 12mths ago etc. I also love the blogging community, and the friends I've started to make through it and the blessing that has been through the last few years has been amazing.

So… after a good hard think about blogging, consistency, and of course, general web geography, I have made the decision to make the move over to wordpress and combine my blog with my website.

My new blog is called making, markets, mothering (& the meandering inbetween), and I'd love it if you could check it out.There are a few bugs that I am still working out (such as a subscribe button) and I'd love to see you over there so I can continue to be involved with the crafty blog community and keep in touch with the friends I have made within it.

So for "sew miss amy" this is the end, but for my new blog, it is just the beginning and I really hope you will share the journey with me.


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