Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Advent Blog-A-Long Day 8!

Well! A big couple of days here! Ive spent a fair bit of time in the sewing room, not only sewing, but organising (I will share pics of that on Thursday). And Ive been super busy doing family orientated things, much to the distress of some people, I still have to sew though!! So thus my short posts over the weekend! Mister WeePantz was home so mummy did some work!!!!

So here's a bunch of Photos of what we have been up to!!!


We put up the Christmas Tree!!

Ruth was very excited to decorate the entire thing herself, and Oliver was very beautiful, with tinsel draped all over him whilst sitting in the high chair looking on. There's no playpen around it or anything, so I have now decided I just need to record myself screaming OLIVER!! STOP TOUCHING THE CHRISTMAS TREE!! Im sure it will get alot of use!!

1 complete secret santa gift!!

 I finished and posted both of my secret santa gifts today. I must say I am nervous of how much there is, and really hope my SS recipients both like their gifts. Its always hard when you dont know someone well to send them a super thoughtful gift. But alot of time went into choosing these gifts so Im hopeing that they are recieved with a smile!

I took the kids to the zoo with my Mother In Law

I will post more pics of this adventure tomorrow I think as there are so many, and its too difficult to just choose one!! But this is my favourite photo, I thought this sign near the lion enclosure was ace! The kids just loved being able to be so close to animals from places like africa, asia and south america.

Anyway... more on that tomorrow. My newly organised sewing room is SCREAMING to me... Oh no hang on thats the kids tv show that is going, there seems to be alot of screaming on that... Id better go check its not scary!!

Until tomorrow...

Amy xo

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